Thursday, April 07, 2011

Literate Birthday Girl!

I am so grateful to have Abby in our family.  She is so sweet and full of life.  Now that she's three she talks about how tall and big she is.  I just don't want her to grow up so fast.  I love her smile with her one dimple and cute thumb sucking teeth.  Last night she wouldn't share her barbie with Madison and as Brian was putting them to bed Madison said her prayers and prayed that Abby would share her barbie with her.  He then went to Abby and listened to her prayer which went like this:  "Dear Heavenly Father.  Please help me to share my barbie, but I can't.  In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen." and then she hopped into bed with her barbie in hand.  Well, it was fun to celebrate her birthday and see her get excited about it.  All she requested was a Bell cake.
 I was reading a book and so Abby opened up this book next to me and would just turn the pages one at a time and concentrate on the picture-less pages and then turn it again.  

 Happy Birthday...Brian was working late and so we had a party on her birthday and then celebrated it the following night with Brian.  These girls are so funny together!

 Here is Abby's Birthday cake.  It was done in marshmellow fondant.  It was suppose to be Bell, but I only had pink paste die, so it's Sleeping Beauties dress on Bell the barbie doll.  It was fun to make and Abby was so happy to have a princess cake.
 This was after we made it, they both just wanted to touch it:-)
 Abby showing off her presents from Grandma and Grandpa Evans.
Showing her present from Grandma and Grandpa McVea...can you spot Abby?
 Dress on Fire.
Abby blowing hard! 


kimi + joe said...

Happy birthday to your little lady! She's such a fun addition to your wonderful family. Also, I'm so impressed with your culinary skills - wow!

Unknown said...

WOW! that is a beautiful princess cake! You go girl. Happy Birthday Abby, we love you so much! What a fun birthday you had.

Tamara said...

Fun pictures...wish we had been there :( Your cake is amazing, Sarah. I have made Barbie doll cakes before, but the never looked anywhere near that good!!!