Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Under Where?

No...under wear!!!!! Madison potty trained herself and I am better because of it. Bye bye diapers during the day and hello care bear underpants. She is so proud of them and will sport them for anyone and anything including the video camera (dancing and the whole nine yards). I'm sure one day this will be embarassing:-) We are loving time with family. It's been filled with shopping, decorating, dentist appointments, cooking, eating, playing, and relaxing. We even got to have a small get away to Park City for a night for our four year anniversary. Yes, I know. Four years isn't long to some, but it's gotten us two beautiful children, a move to NH, three 1/2 years of medical school under our belts, a few fender benders, 6 moves, and we are all the better for it. I love being married to my best friend and love knowing it's FOREVER!!!! Thanks Brian for making all four years fun filled with lots of fun adventures.

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