Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Abby was a hoot to watch hitting the pinata. We forgot to let her hit it for Madison's Birthday party, so we had to let her have one on her birthday. She would chase it in a circle, hit it and it would come back and hit her in the face, she would push it away, hit it, swing and miss, etc. It was so fun. We all couldn't stop laughing. She was so serious about it too. We got it on video:-)

We started out with the Easter Egg hunt and the girls loved it! Madison filled her basket so full every time she reached to get another on, an egg would fall out. Mesia was so dainty about it and would point to one and ask before she would pick it up. Anna loved finding new ones, but was usually too slow getting there. No running or hurrying on her part. Abby on the other hand kept asking, "Where another one?". Once all the eggs were found, Lael would grab one from Abby's basket and toss it on the lawn and say, "there's another one!" Abby would get all excited and pick it up and ask for 'another one.' It was so fun to watch!

1 comment:

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

We loved having Mesia, Anna, Claire and your family over Conference, Easter and Abby's birthday. I think in the near future we will be feeling like Tamara, "We are missing out on so much!" Thanks Brian and Sarah for sharing your family with us even though you have to travel down south to do so. We love every minute we get to spend with you!