Friday, April 16, 2010

Abby Two Year Pictures

This is her 'I am innocent and the most adorable little girl' look...

This is the face I have come to know and love. She gives this too me all the time. She usually does it to make me laugh. It works every time.

This is one she learned from Madison. They stick their tongues out all the time.

Abby is a hoot! This is what I got from her when I bribed her with Jelly Beans. She gave me every face she has and only cooperated when I would bribe her. That is how I got her hair done and her out of her hideous outfit she was wearing before. As you can see, I lost the battle in choosing what she put on to wear for the shoot...I have to give somewhere right? I was just glad she sat for me for so long.


Lacey Jay said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the first one of Abby and the black and white one. GREAT JOB:)

Lacey Jay said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the first one of Abby and the black and white one. GREAT JOB:)