Thursday, June 25, 2009

Due in July

There are some hard things about leaving a place you have lived for four years. It's the people. We have made great friends while living here. They have become family to us in all senses of the word. It's worse to leave friends than family because you will always see family no matter how far apart you are, but friends are different. You just have to wait until your paths cross to see each other. We will truly miss our friends here. It's been a tough decision, but we know this is where the Lord wants us to be and He has provided Brian with an amazing research opportunity working with great people and researching a project that is very important. It's because we have relied on our Heavenly Father in making this decision that we know where he wants us and we can just go where he wants us to go. It's been a roller coaster ride and this is the first place I have lived where my heart has become entrenched in those who have lifted me up when I was down, served me when I needed it, lent a listening ear when I needed to be heard, and provided a shoulder when I needed to cry. We truly have been blessed living here and have not gone wanting:-) It's going to be an adventure I hope I am up for. I would follow Brian anywhere! He is working so hard and trying to what will be best for his family, career, wife, and anyone or anything else that plays into the picture:-) So, these are one of our friends. She is due with her first baby boy after two beautiful girls. We will be here to see him! She is so beautiful and I am grateful to know her and take her picture.


max fam said...

We will miss you too!!! We are sad to see you go but, we understand about doing what is best for your family. Thanks for always being such a great example to me.
love ya,

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

My heart goes out to you Sarah for having to leave such wonderful friends. I as your mother have been so grateful for your friends in NH. Thanks to each one of you who have touched The Evans Family.