Saturday, May 09, 2009

Madison's 1K and Brian's 5K

Madison was overwhelmed by all the people at the starting line and had Brian carry her for about 100 yards, but then she ran until the end. She cried at the end because of all the attention and those cheering for her. But she wants to do it again next year. She is shy when it comes to a lot of attention. She was a trooper.

Brian on the other hand came in fourth overall and 2nd in his age division. Have you ever had a moment when you wished you could turn back the time a few minutes? Like when I arrive at a garage sale and see someone walking away with what I wanted, or when I am late picking up a child or just forget to do it (did that this week), or when you are trying to be smart and walk partway up the race to cheer Brian on at the last stretch and completely miss him...we did that today and didn't even see him running or cross the finish line. I felt so bad I cried. It was bitter sweet. He came in fourth and we weren't there to cheer him on. He forgave me but was disappointed. I had geared up Madison to cheer and the entire time she kept asking for daddy and where he was. How I wished I could have turned back the time!!!!!! The volunteers kept telling us he would pass by that way...Sorry Brian! I am so proud of you. He finished it in 20.50!

Madison being silly! She got this ribbon when she finished the race.


Valli & Coleman McVea said...

So sorry you missed your hubby cross the finish especially since he came in at the top. Congrats to Brian and Madison!

Tamara said...

Brian...that is so cool...and Madison too. Congratulations both of you!! But why didn't you tell us you were going to run today????