Sunday, May 31, 2009

My friend pointed out that Abby wasn't wearing a life jacket...I feel like a bad parent, BUT she hated it!!!! That's and understatement. She was in tears for about 30 minutes before I caved it and took it off of her. I know it's not an excuse...she was a lot happier after.


Tamara said...

What a fun thing to have your Mom and Lilly there! Wish I could be there too. Have a great time!

Ange said...

SARAH LOVE MCVEA EVANS HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU, LIFE JACKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You never know what could happen in that boat.

Emily said...

We went canoeing a couple weeks ago and Cannon HATED his life jacket too! You're not a bad parent, I was so close to taking his off too, but it was a little windy so I was afraid the canoe might tip over so I was scared to take it off, but he did cry a lot with it on!