Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I love how Madison is learning to put sentences together. Sometimes they just come out funny.

"I is woman."

M: "I want milk."
M: "I is sick."
S: "Why are you sick."
M: "Cause, I need milk for my sick."
She always says she is sick after she asks for juice or milk. For some reason she puts the two together.

"I ride bike. It's not Sunday mom."
"I go for walk. It's not Sunday."
"I go _______. It's not Sunday."
She adds, it's not Sunday, to many things she wants to do something since we tell her she can't do some things on Sunday like ride a bike, play outside in a dress, watch a movie, etc.


Lacey Jay said...

I just love her little sentences! When we read them we can't help but to laugh:)

Lacey Jay said...

I just love her little sentences! When we read them we can't help but to laugh:)