Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Don't smell it."

Sarah: "Do you have a dirty diaper? I smell it."
Madison: "Don't smell it."

In her mind that is a perfect solution to the problem, I on the other hand don't.

Just a quicky. I had to type it before I forgot it.

Madison was playing with the microwave and turned to me and said, "I cooking cookies."
S: "Oh, you are cooking cookies?"
M: "Yes, I ares cooking cookies."

I love how she uses her verbs...she mixes them up all the time! I need to video tape her talking soon.

We were dropping off a video and Hollywood video and this poster was in the window. Madison from the back seat says, "Who is that girl?"
S: "I don't know."
M: "That boy arm around her."
S: "Yes he does."
M: "He pulling hers shirt off. It falling off her arm."

So, she is very observant!!!! I was floored to say the least. What do you say to that. She is only 2 and three months!!!!

1 comment:

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

What you say to that is, you hope she is that observant as she grows into womanhood and have a desire to be modest. Little ones are so sensitive to the spirit. I love it!