Thursday, May 15, 2008

Funny Madison

Madison held her baby sister again today and said, "so cute" over and over again. She loves her sister and if I put her where she can't see her she cries and says, "I can't see him" and won't quit until she can see her. She changes her babies diaper every time I change the babies and she has to have her baby when I am holding sister. Kim Mender brought some clothes over for the baby and Madison went through each outfit and commented "so cute" or "oh, pretty". I cut up some bananas for Madison's snack today and she kept saying "cold bananas." It took me a while to realize that she likes the frozen bananas like I eat. I cut up some frozen ones to which she said, "thank you".

She is such a joy to have in our home. Yesterday she was swinging in the swings next to a friend who is four and saw him pumping himself really high. So, she demanded that we push her high and she leaned back and stuck her feet out and said, "look Sarah, I like Carter". It was so cute. She never brought her feet in or leaned forward, so she has half of the concept down:-)

Everyone gets a kick out of the fact that Madison hardly ever calls m mom anymore. It's always "Look, Sarah" "Come Sarah" "I coming Sarah" or "help Sarah". She cracks Brian and I up all the time. Just the other day Brian kept commenting, "We have such a cute girl huh?" She is such a daddy's girl and has her daddy wrapped around her finger. We went and saw him at the hospital the other day and when she saw him, she started to giggle and ran up to give him a hug. It's a candid moment sort of thing.

She always says, "I big helper", "I big sister", and "hold you." Well, we are so excited to hear that we will have a new cousin in October and that he is a boy. Seth and Lacey have been chosen by a birth mom and they will have their little baby boy in October!!!!!!!!!! They are going to be great parents. Now Madison and Little Miss Evans will have a cousin on the McVea side!

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