Friday, January 30, 2015

Christmas Festivities

We went up to Mount Ashland and cut down our own tree this year.  It was a bit sparse, but the kids loved it.
Abby with the treehouse they built from the lego set from the Evans' Grandparents.
We were able to act out the nativity as a family for Family Home Evening.
Madison was the angel, I was the wise man and Joseph,  Abby was a shepherd, and Alice was Mary. 
The girls lining up in the hallway Christmas morning as they wait to see the tree and presents.
Saying cheese for Grandma and Grandpa Evans on face-time Christmas morning.  These are the presents from Grandma and Grandpa Evans
This is a lego treehouse from Grandma and Grandpa E. that they built that morning.
Madison planned and made this meal for the family.  It was so delicious and Madison was so proud of herself.  She did it for her Duty to God assignment.
This is a taco salad in a bowl.

Alice in Daddy's new chair he received when he graduated from University of Michigan Anesthesia program. 
The other two lego sets.  One is a beauty shop and the other one is a pet shop.  
This is our home made elf on the shelf.  His name is Jingle and he can be very sneaking and get into lots of trouble.  He got stuck in the tree one night, ate some of the girls candy, was caught eating popcorn and watching a movie with Hello Kitty, made a snow angel in the flour, and did many other things we won't mention here:-)

For the ward Christmas party they acted out the nativity and the girls were all angels.  

The polar express was there too!  Talk about a lot of work!  The girls loved it!
Gingerbread house making time.  This is a yearly tradition that even Alice really got into.  She said she wanted 'lots' of candy on her Christmas house.
We went to ride the polar express and this is us waiting in line.  It was a long line, but the girls felt it was worth it.  They loved seeing all the lights and riding on the train.
Keeping warm:-)

This was Abigails Christmas party at school.  She got to decorate a Gingerbread house and loved it.  
Alice got to participate also.  On the car ride home she said, "That was fun.  Thank you helping me Christmas House."  I was so touched.  She wasn't even two yet.
Alice was Mary.

On the bus to the Polar Express. 
Alice at Abby's Christmas Party.
The girls posing for Grandma and Grandpa Evans.

On the weekends and when they are out of school they get to sleep in the same bed together.  They say they love it because they are best friends.  I'm not sure they get very good sleep as you can see Madison's hand on Abby's face, but they love it!

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