Thursday, August 04, 2011

Lake Michigan

Madison couldn't get enough of the water.  She loved the thrill of going as deep as she could and trying to jump with the waves.  She spent most of the time in the water and was reluctant to get out after 5 hours in it...she is our water girl and loves it!
 Our good friends invited us to spend the weekend with them at the beach house they rented and we took them up on it and had a blast.  We stayed at the beach for hours, swimming, building sand castles...
 Playing in the sand...
I love this girl.  She finds joy in even the small things and has a contagious laugh that makes me smile no matter what mood I am in.
That's a good looking sand castle A.

1 comment:

kimi + joe said...

Brian is such a good sport and clearly loves those little girls. Reminds me of when Joe let his two nieces bury him in the sand at Mascoma Lake, New Hampshire. They thought it was about the coolest thing.