Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday Soccer!!!

 Madison sat on the sidelines and watched her team mates play.  Next week she said she will play.  We went and bought a ball for her to play with and had a fun time that night in the backyard playing.  She did great!  We took pictures then since I didn't get any of her playing from earlier on Saturday...this is what I got:-)

This is her having fun playing in the back yard.  She kicked the ball around with her daddy and loved it! Then she said she wanted to play what daddy loves.  I didn't know what she meant.  She then squated down in a football stance and says what daddy loves to watch...Oh, she means football:-)  Brian had been watching football for a few hours that day and Madison cuddled up with him to watch it...she picked up the football stance from it:-)


Lacey Jay said...

such a fuuny girl! Sometimes she takes my breath away, she so pretty!

Tamara said...

What a tender story! I'll bet she will want to play with her friends soon. She surely looks cute in her outfit. Just can't believe they start that young. Times have changed!