Saturday, August 21, 2010

Where do you want your milk? In a bag, in the cart, on the floor?

The entire family went shopping to Wal-Mart a few weeks ago and as I was loading the groceries in the cart I grabbed the 2% gallon of milk off the turning grocery bag thing and somehow it slipped out of my hand and in slow motion I saw it miss the cart and land on the floor exploding and creating a lake in the middle of the store. Then the man who just checked out before us turned around and said, "She meant to do it." I was pretty embarrassed to say the least. This of course isn't the first time I have dropped something in a store, but this was by far the messiest. We used 7 heavy duty towels to try and stop the spreading of it, but it hardly touched it. A mop and bucket came next and they were nice enough to get us another gallon of milk. Brian was in shock since this has never happened to him and he kept asking, "so they just give us another gallon of milk for free? We don't have to pay for it." I reassured him this happens often and they never charge for it. Like when I dropped a huge container of hummus at Costco, the jar of pickles at Albertsons, the fruit countless times, etc. With how many times we go shopping, it's bound to happen.


Emily said...

Ha ha that's so funny! I'm surprised I haven't done that at the grocery store yet because I've dropped stuff like that at home several times!

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

Sarah, I am so glad you can laugh and share your experiences even when they are embarrassing. Keep smiling!