Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Way to go TARA!!!!

I have this amazingly talented neice who had her last dance performance since she graduates in June and will be going off to college. I am so proud of you and it was so fun to see you dance. I was so proud knowing we are related:-) Thanks for letting me be a part of the night!

This was a hilarious dance and it was so fun to see Tara and the rest of the girls really get into it.

I was finally able to capture one of her leaps. She was amazing!!! Did I say that already?

This was the dance with the guys and Tara was dancing with her boyfriend Jake.

All the Seniors did a solo and this was a picture from Tara's. She was so elegant and crisp. It was fun to watch. These pictures are for you Tamara since you couldn't be there. I hope you get a feel for how great Tara did.


Valli & Coleman McVea said...

WOW! She is good! She is beautiful in every respect.

Tamara said...

How wonderful!! Thank you Sarah SO MUCH for taking these and for going to support her. I know it meant a lot to her.