Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gingerbread house building zone!

CL did a manger scene! It had Mary, Joseph, a black baby Jesus, shepherd, sheep and donkey in the stable. It was ingenious!

Josh had some foundational problems at the beginning, but ended up making a great adobe hut (that is what he called it).

I helped Madison with the building part, but she decorated the entire thing all by herself. She just told me where to put the 'glue'. I'm glad she didn't know it was tasty frosting. She decorated more than she ate. I can't say the same for Abigail:-)

Lael made this with Abby on her lap. She is a mom in training. Abby even helped squeeze out the frosting to glue the pieces together. She was into the whole building thing until she realized she could eat the candy. It was all over at that point and she was smart to sit with her Aunt Lilley and not me:-)


Tamara said...

WHAT A FUN FAMILY TRADITION! Give my congratulations to your mom for have the patience to do this :) I'm impressed!!

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

Melissa helped with the frosting actually. She did the first batch. Sam and Melissa had left by the time the camera came out. You kids must have gotten your creativity from you father. Great ginger bread houses!!!