Sunday, July 05, 2009

water then bed

Madison and Abby love going to the local pool. I have to take some pictures of Madison in the water next time.

Madison fell asleep and I didn't know it since she had the sun glasses on. I asked her if she was tired and she said, "no, but my eyes keep closing." She didn't last much longer after that.
I don't know how they sleep that way. It looks totally uncomfortable to me.
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Valli & Coleman McVea said...

What cute sleeping granddaughters! Water does that to me also. I love what Madison said when you asked her is she was tired, "No, but my eyes keep closing." What a fun 4th of July you had. Emily was in our pre-4th of July Parade.

Tamara said...

You can tell they had a grand time! Completely wore them out! I don't think you can beat "water" to entertain children. I'm so anxious to see them!