Thursday, October 02, 2008

Funny Madison

Madison makes me smile:

When we asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween she said, "a cloud."

She was watching "Rescuers Down Under" and got to what she called a scary part, so she then said, "Thomas the train. It not scary." They ended up watching that:-)

Madison talks to Abby in the morning for a half an hour to and hour every morning before she even requests to get out of bed. They stayed in their cribs and talked today while Madison jumped for over an hour during nap time. They are going to be such good friends. I love how Abby is always facing Madison when I got in and they are both awake.

Madison loves to help change Abby's diaper and does the wiping after I have. She then snaps the diaper shut:-) I have come upon her taking Abby's diaper off and proclaiming that "it's stinky. I change it."

1 comment:

Emily said...

That is so cute how Madison talks to Abby when she wakes up! Do you ever have a problem with one of them waking up the other?